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Feb 27, 2020

Sedation in ICU is practised so commonly that thinking of any mechanically ventilated patient without sedation is impossible. This trial published in NEJM has challenged that dogma and showed us that Non-sedation in mechanically ventilated patients is feasible. 

Feb 20, 2020

The accumulation of a positive fluid balance is a frequent occurrence in critically ill patients. As Paracelsus said, " All things are poisons, nothing is without poison. Only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." Like other drugs, it is the dose of fluids which makes them poisonous. In this podcast,...

Feb 11, 2020

This Randomised controlled trial explored the role of HAT therapy in patients with septic shock admitted to ICU.

Feb 3, 2020

Lung protective ventilation has become the cornerstone of the management of ARDS patient. As a consequence, hypercapnia is inevitable. However, permissive hypercapnia is not without its own problems. In this podcast, we discuss this dogma and challenge traditional practices.