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Dec 31, 2019

The role of thrombolysis in submassive PE remains controversial to date. In this podcast, Dr Chacko & I dive deeper to explore the current evidence on this topic.

Dec 23, 2019

Liberating high-risk patients from mechanical ventilation poses a unique challenge to all intensive care physicians. The use of high flow has increased over the last decade, however, combination of high flow nasal oxygen and NIV has not been tested so far. The present study published in JAMA tries to answer this dilemma.

Dec 16, 2019

The use of IV albumin is not uncommon in the Intensive care unit. However, the evidence for its routine use is conflicting. In this podcast, Dr Chacko and I critically appraise the available evidence to inform the Intensive care community on the role of IV albumin in the intensive care unit.

Dec 8, 2019

Status epilepticus poses a significant challenge to intensive care physicians. There is lots of uncertainty about the treatment options and correct dosing. In this podcast, we discuss the landmark ESETT trial published in NEJM which explores this dilemma but rather helping to solve the problem, asks more questions.

Dec 1, 2019

Intracranial pressure monitoring is an integral part of Traumatic brain injury(TBI) management in intensive care. In this podcast, we critically appraise the evidence available on this topic to inform ICU clinicians about the current trends.